import smtplib from openpyxl import load_workbook wb = load_workbook('USA.xlsx') sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('test') smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) smtpObj.starttls() smtpObj.login('','python1505') sheet.cell(row=1, column=4).value name,mail,money,date,avrmon,monsent,msent=[],[],[],[],[],[],[] for i in range(1, 2999): money.append(sheet.cell(row=i+1, column=4).value) date.append(sheet.cell(row=i+1, column=5).value) avrmon.append(sheet.cell(row=i+1, column=9).value) monsent.append(sheet.cell(row=i+1, column=10).value) msent.append(sheet.cell(row=i+1, column=8).value) l=0 k=0 deposit=0 account=0 card=0 loan=0 findname=[] findmail=[] for j in range(0,len(money)): if money[l]20): vs1=(sheet.cell(row=l+1, column=1).value) vs2=(sheet.cell(row=l+1, column=2).value) text=("Hello, "+vs1+" we today we have a special offer to you: you can make a deposit with an increased rate of 8%") findname.append(sheet.cell(row=l+1, column=1).value) findmail.append(sheet.cell(row=l+1, column=2).value) smtpObj.sendmail("",vs2,text) k=k+1 deposit=deposit+1 elif money[l]4999: vs1=(sheet.cell(row=l+1, column=1).value) vs2=(sheet.cell(row=l+1, column=2).value) text=("Hello, "+vs1+" we today we have a special offer to you: you can register a brokerage account and get 200 dollars for it for free") smtpObj.sendmail("",vs2,text) account=account+1 k=k+1 elif msent[l]>50 and date[l]>2019 and avrmon[l]>6999 and money[l]>99999: vs1=(sheet.cell(row=l+1, column=1).value) vs2=(sheet.cell(row=l+1, column=2).value) text=("Hello, "+vs1+" we today we have a special offer to you: you can issue a card with 10% cashback") smtpObj.sendmail("",vs2,text) card=card+1 k=k+1 elif money[l]