Error message

  • Notice: Undefined variable: cur_url in include() (line 43 of /home/virtwww/w_research-gym1505_b6827584/http/sites/all/themes/gym1505/sub_gym1505/page.tpl.php).
  • Notice: Undefined variable: img_url in include() (line 96 of /home/virtwww/w_research-gym1505_b6827584/http/sites/all/themes/gym1505/sub_gym1505/page.tpl.php).


Mun WF, Li LM, Fernandez PR. Mobile phone – the must-have gadget of the 21st century: identifying trends and impact on human relationships. The Journal of the South East Asia Research Centre for Communication and Humanities. 2011;3(2): 39–53.

Мобильный телефон - обязательный гаджет 21-го века. Исследование, которое выявляет тенденции и влияние на человеческие отношения.

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